About Infinite Books
We craft excellent books.
At Infinite Books, we're building something different: a publishing house that combines the quality and attention to detail of traditional publishing with the flexibility and innovation that today's literary world demands.
Our name speaks to our mission. We publish books we believe will be as relevant a century from now as they are today—works that transcend trends and speak to enduring human truths.
For Authors

We meet authors where they are, whether they come to us with a fully-formed manuscript or just the initial spark of an idea. Our contracts are flexible, our editorial support is robust, and our commitment to your work is unwavering. Once we say yes to a project, we're all in.
We work both with authors who have agents and authors who don't because what matters to us is the work itself—the ideas, the story, the potential for lasting impact.
For Readers

Every book that bears our imprint has been carefully chosen and lovingly crafted. We publish across genres and categories, but our books share one common thread: they aim to illuminate, challenge, or delight in ways that endure.
When you pick up an Infinite Books title, you can trust that it has been shepherded through the publishing process with extraordinary care, from the first editorial meeting to the final printed page.
For Agents and Publishers

We believe publishing is ready for fresh thinking. Our team brings deep experience from traditional publishing houses, but we're not afraid to question conventional wisdom. We're building the kind of publishing company we wish existed—one that values innovation while honoring craft, that embraces technology while respecting tradition, that puts books and authors first.
We're small by design, publishing only a carefully-curated list. This allows us to give each book the attention and resources it deserves. We believe that doing fewer things better is the path to excellence.
Why Infinite?

Some books change lives. Some books change the way we think. Some books endure for generations, speaking to readers across time and space. These are the books we want to publish.
In a world of endless content and ephemeral trends, we're betting on permanence. We're betting on excellence. We're betting on the infinite power of a well-crafted book to illuminate, inspire, and endure.
Welcome to Infinite Books.